Do not ignore the motivated and driven ones!

The fight is often left to the ones who are not afraid to battle with ignorance and complacency, and they certainly bare the scars to show it. It’s not about advertising the job, it’s about LIVING IT! Passion is the one thing that experience can not teach. How it is applied and how it is received matters. The ones who are passionate about the job are your true leaders and mentors. They set expectations and constantly improve them by raising their own standards. They possess the drive to be devoted to a cause. These types of individuals are frequently misunderstood by those who feel threatened by their presence. This is because they will not lower their standards to appease others. The Passionate ones do not mind this for they know that the only people who are never misunderstood, are those who never stand for anything.

Often this particular trait will create, enhance or change cultures because those who possess it are not afraid to challenge the status quo. These are the type of people that need to be led, not managed.

A positive and supportive culture will groom true leadership and create worth. A negative and toxic culture will breed complacency and minimal effort with no return in investment.

Remember to keep perspective in all things. We should share our passion but do not let it become overbearing. We wish to build relationships, not EGOS!