Searchable Vs. Survivable (HOT)

This class is custom built for any organization and is a blended 8,16, or 24 hour hands on training starting with a 2.5 hour lecture. The HOT portion can be under live fire if desired, utilizing fog machines or the use of smoke barrels. In the lecture we will be covering statistics and sharing videos to drive home points of why and when we search. We will also be covering where our searches often fail and where they are successful. The intent is to not only size up our fires on arrival but also size up our searches so we can perform them quicker and in a more efficient manner.

Following the lecture there will be hands on skill building used to develop techniques that improve the students search methods as well as efficiency. The skill building can be customized to whatever your needs are. The students will be able to rotate through any stations chosen  to include but not limited to:

  • Vent Enter Search
  • Search mechanics and techniques
  • Searching off a hoseline (Engine Based Search)
  • Searching with the CAN
  • Searching ahead of the handline
  • Victim removal techniques
  • Forcible Entry
  • Mask up drills
  • Victim Presenting from a window
  • Removing Victims down ladders (Conscious & Unconscious)

It is important to understand that before we make any decisions we need to know where our successes have been. In today’s fire environment we simply do not have much time. We must have a system in place for quick decision making of our searches in relation to our fire environment. We must identify our searchable spaces immediately.  There is no singular mode of operation but rather multiple methods we can employ to enhance the survivability for the unprotected occupant.

This course is about how we search, when to search and what’s the best way to affect our search, increasing our odds not only to locate a victim but remove them in the most efficient manner. Let us not forget that life IS and ALWAYS will be our number one priority! It should not be the mindset of “what’s good for us” but rather we MUST concentrate our efforts on what is best for THEM! To accomplish this, we must make educated decisions that support an aggressive search culture.

At the end of the class the participant should be able to go home and function in a capacity that is more efficient and practical for those assigned to search on a typical residential structure fire.  Students should pick what works best for them and understand that they may need to customize these skills to their staffing levels of where they work.

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