Beyond Gap-Set-Force

This HOT FE class will take students through systematic approaches to both inward and outward swinging doors.  Students will learn the fundamentals of attacking all doors and be able to progressively increase difficulty using the systematic approach designed to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption.  Students will then be taken though challenging situational FE reps to include close quarters, drop bars, low visibility, and end stairwell challenges.   Finally students will put their skills to the test in a FE gauntlet under heat and smoke conditions that will challenge them both physically and mentally.  Through the timed event, students will be forced to maintain their composure and use the skills learned to successfully complete the challenge.  After completing this training, students will have a better understanding of not only FE, but how to maximize use of their tools and their own physical and mental capacity.


Tool Selection: Positively identify tool features, physics, working ends and respective MA

  1. Striking Tools
    1. Force = Mass x Speed. MASS>SPEED
    2. Centralized Mass & Striking Faces
    3. Blade Shape and Shoulder Retention.
  2. Halligan
    1. Dimensions and MA, How to calculate MA
    2. Working tips, prioritize highest MA
    3. Forks catalyst for Adz Roll

Inward Swinging: Systematic approach

Door size up, attacking low starts rigidity assessment, create GAP, take fastest route to lever behind jamb, continue GAP up to lock. GAP SET FORCE fallback technique if large low gap not attained.  Low frontal attacks keep most maneuvers inline with door for increased close quarters effectiveness.

  1. START LOW – Shore Progress
    1. Toe / Boot – maintain until GAP captured.
    2. GAP low with Adz apx 12-14” below lock. CAPTURE
    3. Initiate fork progression behind jamb, ramp up to Adz roll next to lock/locks.
    4. Roll before you throw and finishing maneuvers.

Outward Swinging: Cheat With Leverage
Initiate lower level attack at apx hip height below lock allowing for capture if needed.  Feel stop contact, scoop door vs crush.  Full drive before lever action.  Cheat when you have room.

  1. Body Positioning: Feel the Bar, Feel the Door
    1. Tool and Body positioned to straight drive and receptive feedback to identify stop contact.
    2. How to actively pull on forks while driving around stop.
    3. Full drive. Attempt force with controlled explosive motion or jump to leverage extension.
    4. Adz roll and finishing techniques.

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